Free Stuff FridayThis is my first "Free Stuff Friday" (FSF). Each Friday or group of Fridays there will be a give away. Something I've made, found of stumbled upon. Give away from companies, artists and fellow bloggers.
This weeks "Freebie" is.....One lucky follower will be featured on my blog. To enter just make a comment on this blog with the phrase..."Pick Me" in it and I'll pull names from a hat. I'll be interviewing you for next Thursdays Blog, Inner-View.
Jackson hails from South Jersey but planted her roots in Philly in 1999. In 2003, she graduated from Moore College with a BFA in Sculpture. Jackson currently works out of her studio in North Philadelphia and teaches at both the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and the Fleisher Art Memorial, both in Philly. She loves her family, birds, and peppermint patties. She hates slugs, nickles, and parking tickets.Darla's sculpture is an exploration of the duality of emotions. In order to express the ideas, she uses feelings that have been turned into recognizable visual objects, symbols, and juxtapose them with other elements to create this duality. Through the anthropomorphism of animals, the use of strong body language of figures and the use of symbolism, i can convey my familiarity with an oddness that makes it compelling. To make my sculptures, I start out sculpting them in clay. Once they're finished, I make rubber molds and cast the pieces in either polyurethane resin or gypsum cement. I get my reference from everywhere...people I know, stories I hear, photos i find on the internet, Disney movies, you name it...
What's the most sentimental piece of jewelery you own? Is a question asked by Elyse Goody, Weekend Post Published: Saturday, December 12, 2009.Mine is is a simple undecorated gold band I wear on my pinky. It was my dad's wedding band. He wasn't wearing it when he was killed in an auto accident Feb. 7, 2007 I put it on the day after his death as a way of being close to him. I haven't taken it off yet. It is a constant remind that he is always with me watching over me. Please leave a comment and tell me what piece is your most sentimental.
"Some of my work is about recording, documenting or capturing, making something that is still in time, a freeze frame eternal. A diary of a life." Philip Mount Philips work is exact, measured and fluid check out more of his work, read his bio and read an interview at:
Is jewellery art or is it fashion? It all depends who you ask. Is the title of a story by Derek McCormack, Weekend Post Published: Friday, May 14, 2010
As an artist and a art teacher I feel there is no bad art it all comes from a process of discovery. Well the Museum of Bad Art would disagree. Their motto is Art Too Bad To Be Ignored. Check out some bad art today at:
CG: Kathryn, your work is beautiful. I love that you've thought beyond the world of fashion and made these available as art. I can totally see them in some young fashionista's abode. When did you realize that your passion was fashion design and illustration?
KR: It's always been something I've loved... since I was younger. It's just something I instinctively notice about people. Not necessarily in a judging way, but I enjoy seeing the different ways people dress whether or not I personally like it. I think fashion is such a beautiful thing in so many ways.
CG: I see that you find inspiration from other designers and even the darling Tavi. Who and what has influences you the most?
KR: I'm honestly not influenced by individual people as much as I am by everything and everyone around me. It's less of a direct inspiration that I get- It's more of a combination of everything in my life. My mind and inspirations are constantly shifting!
CG: If you could work with any artist or designer living or not who would it be?
KR: Hmm.. I'm not sure if I can answer this. I have a really hard time picking favorites or just one person... sorry!
CG: What is your most important single accessory?
KR: Definitely a simple, funky, but classic leather handbag. It's something I use everyday and it holds so many important things- and gives me that edgy feeling no matter how many times I use it or what I wear it with.
CG: Tell us about your process of illustrating from start to finish.
KR: First I find some inspiration (usually one of the billions of photos I collect everyday online). Then I start with a pencil sketch, then watercolor and finally add ink over it to add more contrast and interest. It's a fairly simple process :). After I'm finished, I scan the illustration and clean up the background in photoshop!
CG: What is your guilty fashion pleasure?
KR: Another tough question! I'd have to say shoes.. I LOVE to buy nice shoes. I have so many nice heels and shoes, but it's funny because I always stick to wearing a select handful of favorites. So most of my shoes make few appearances - they are easy though. You'll never go to a store and feel fat from trying on a nice pair of shoes!Please visit Katies Blog: Katie's Etsy site is:
Katie Rodgers
Self-taught artist. I design a line of collage and assemblage jewelry as well as create collage and assemblage sculptures, abstract expressionist paintings in acrylic. I also facilitate art and creativity classes for children and adults.